Tuesday, July 5, 2011

how to be pretty nowadays...

after looking at several pictures own by girls in malaysia... i can conclude that if you want to look good and prettier in your pictures, u have to follow all these rules:

1. try to wear the 'bigger eyes' contact lens as often as u can...please wear the very striking blue, green, brown, and u can not try black for your natural look.. i heard of the new lenses that we called it as the 'bigger eyes 3D' contact lense...woww! very technologize...haha! after wear this, your eyes may look so big and even bigger than your nose hole.. haha!

2. eyeliner is a beautiful tricky to make your eyes not dull... this one i love.. *only this okeyh?! haha

3. glue your fake eyelashes, even it was totally fake but mens/boys out there are stupid enough to differentiate it whether it is the fake or the original one. haha!

3.when taking a picture, your camera view must be upper than ur head.. pls take it close up to your eyes by focusing more to it to get your face look 'so fucking damn cute'... haha

4. after photo shoot session, remove your lens and eyeliner and fake eyelashes n fuhhhhh !! magically then NOW u become ugly back again ! haha!

p/s : come on girls.. natural is pretty... eyeliner just quite enough for everyday pretty look !


Xonos said...

*LIKE* x 1000

Tapi napa muka kamu dalam gambar kamu macam asyik ada makeup je? xP

revolves arounD me ~! said...

kan i ckp no 2 ke i suke.. itu je i pakai... eyeliner.. hihii