Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Dont like Cupcakes...for wedding

It really nice to see them decorated by the maker... but i dont think cupcakes wil taste as good as any other expensive cakes... people nowadays had cupcake trend... replacing wedding cake to cupcakes... why? because they r cute to see... give them sweet moment while seeing through them.. with their creamy moist.. n the most factor why they choose cupcakes because i think they r cheaper than cake... trend? who's the cupcake's follower they absolutely out of taste... !!

urgh! i dont feel like im gonna eat them... so much calories n i wont eat them.. n not larr !

when it come to design... is it really cute to see? people who are saying cupcakes are sweet enough to express their moments feeling are stupid.. don't they think they r jst like a child? with a word each on it... says "jst engaged: dog n dog " duhh~~ heh... how pity they r...

i dont like to eat cupcakes or replaced them with wedding or engagement cake.. i rather buying expensive cakes anywhere than put a set of alphabets cupcake on my wedding dining table...blablabla~ say No to cupcakes ~

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